Kanazawa Tourist Spots

How to enjoy Omicho fish market in Kanazawa


Are you going to stay in Kanazawa for a while?

Omicho fish market is one of the must-see places, and this is how to enjoy it.



It takes about 10 to 15 minutes on foot to Omicho fish market from JR Kanazawa station.


To get there quickly, I recommend you take a local loop bus from JR Kanazawa station. 

Take a LEFT LOOP Bus so that you can get to Omicho fish market quickly.

Get off at Musashigatsuji bus station, which is just the next stop from Kanazawa. Only 5 minutes!


If you have more places to visit, "one-day free bus ticket" is recommendable.

500 yen per person, and it is sold at JR Kanazawa station East Gate area.


Try fresh raw fish and shellfish!

This shopping arcade has about 180 shops, stalls and restaurants.

Raw fish, grilled meat, fresh fruits and drinks and wide variety of other goods are sold there.


Eating in front of the shop is allowed, but please don't eat while walking.

Try some fresh food here!

This is an orange shaped orange juice I tried!


Go there in the morning!

Although opening hours varies from shop to shop, many fish shops are very active in the morning, and close early in the afternoon.

Around 15:00, they start discounting to sell everything, so it is another interesting time.


What kind of shops are there in Omicho?

Many fish shops sell various seasonal fish, shellfish and crabs.


Seasonal vegetables and local food are sold.

There are many food stalls in this arcade.

This is Oden shop, choose whatever you want, and customers enjoy eating while standing at the table.



For more information

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-Kanazawa, Tourist Spots