My favorite ○○:自分の好きなものシリーズ(10選)
③1つ目の理由 具体例
④2つ目の理由 具体例
⑤3つ目の理由 具体例
<英語エッセイサンプル(108 語)>
① Today I would like to write about my favorite season.
②I like summer the best among four seasons, and I have three reasons.
③Firstly, I like to go to the beach in summer. I enjoy swimming and eating some watermelon there.
④Secondly, I love summer vacation. Every year I visit my parents' hometown during Obon holidays, and spend a great time together.
⑤Finally, I like fireworks festival held in summer. I put on Yukata, traditional Japanese light cotton kimono, and watch beautiful fireworks with my friends.
⑥Some people prefer other seasons, but I really like summer because it reminds me of precious memories with my family and friends.
- My favorite place(お気に入りの場所)
- My favorite book(お気に入りの本)
- My favorite movie(お気に入りの映画)
- My favorite You Tube program or TV program(お気に入りの番組)
- My favorite anime character(お気に入りのアニメキャラ)
- My favorite restaurant(お気に入りのレストラン)
- My favorite food(お気に入りの食べ物)
- My favorite sport(お気に入りのスポーツ)
- My favorite lesson(お気に入りのレッスン)
- My favorite hobby(お気に入りの趣味)
Introduce someone or something: 紹介するシリーズ(10選)
① Today I would like to write about my home town, Fukui prefecture.
②I will introduce three famous things which we are proud of.
③For one thing, we have a holy Zen Buddhist temple called Eiheiji. It is one of the two head temples of Soto Zen Buddhism.
④Another example is Fukui Prefectural Dinosaur Museum. It is said to be one of the three best dinosaur museums in the world.
⑤Finally, Fukui prefecture is one of the happiest prefectures in Japan according to happiness ranking data.
⑥My hometown Fukui is not a famous prefecture compared to neighboring ones like Kyoto or Ishikawa, but I like homely atmosphere of Fukui.
- My close friend(仲の良い友達)
- My hero(自分の憧れの人やヒーロー)
- My teacher(担任の先生)
- My family(自分の家族)
- My room(自分の部屋)
- My pet(飼っているペット)
- My playground(楽しい遊び場)
- My town(住んでいる町)
- My name(自分の名前の由来)
- My school(自分の通っている学校)
Descriptive writing: 詳しく描写するシリーズ(10選)
- Describe a photo or picture(好きな1枚の絵(写真)について)
- Describe the amazing scenery(驚いた景色について)
- Describe the scenery of a snowy day(雪の日に見た景色)
- Describe the detail of an insect(虫について カブトムシ、セミ、アリなど)
- Describe your favorite vehicle(好きな乗り物について 電車、バス、飛行機など)
- Describe the house your want to live in the future(将来住んでみたい家のイメージ)
- Describe your favorite scene of a movie (映画の一番好きなシーン)
- Describe your father's or mother's habit(お父さん(お母さん)のクセ)
- Describe how you spend New Years Day(お正月の過ごし方)
- Describe how you spend weekend(自分の休日の過ごし方)
Explain your experience: 自分を経験を語るシリーズ(10選)
- The first time I got on a train, bus or plane(初めて電車・バス・飛行機に乗った時のこと)
- The first time I performed in front of audience(初めての発表会 楽器・ダンス・演劇などのこと)
- The first time I joined volunteer activity(初めてのボランティア活動の経験)
- The first time I received an award(初めて賞をもらった経験)
- The first time I went to the sea(初めて海に行った時のこと)
- The first time I climbed a mountain(初めて山に登った時のこと)
- The first time I cooked(初めて料理をした経験)
- A happening that occurred during summer or winter vacation(夏・冬休み中に起こった出来事)
- An impressive present I've received(もらって嬉しかったプレゼントのこと)
- An experience I made a great effort(すごく努力をした経験)
Explain your emotion: 自分の感情を表現するシリーズ(10選)
- Explain the most embarrassing moment(今までで一番恥ずかしかったこと)
- Explain the most impressive moment(今までで一番感動したこと)
- Explain the saddest moment(今までで一番悲しかったこと)
- Explain the funniest moment(今までで一番大笑いしたこと)
- Explain the most difficult moment(今までで一番苦しかったこと)
- Explain the most horrible experience(今までで一番怖かった恐怖体験)
- Explain the most enjoyable event(今までで一番楽しかったイベント)
- Explain the most joyful travel(今までで一番楽しかった旅行)
- Explain the happiest moment(今までで一番幸せを感じたこと)
- Explain the most regrettable moment(今までで一番後悔していること)
Agree or disagree : 賛否を問うシリーズ(10選)
- Reading books is more important than reading comic books. Do you agree?
- All high school students should belong to at least one club activity. Do you agree?
- Traveling alone is better than a group tour. Do you agree?
- People who want to learn a foreign language need to study abroad. Do you agree?
- Schools should give students more chances to do volunteer activities. Do you agree?
- Book stores will disappear because people read books on their tablet or smartphones. Do you agree?
- Online shopping is more convenient than in-store shopping. Do you agree?
- High school students spend too much time using smartphones. Do you agree?
- More and more people will leave big cities in favor of countryside in the future. Do you agree?
- More people will buy used products in the future. Do you agree?
Which do you like, A or B?:AかBかを問うシリーズ(10選)
- Which do you prefer, reading books or watching movies?
- Which do you like, studying alone or studying with your friends?
- Which season do you like, summer or winter?
- Where do you want to spend your vacation? Mountain or beach?
- Which do you prefer, eating or cooking?
- Which do you often go to, supermarkets or convenience stores?
- Which is important for you, time or money?
- Which do you want to keep, electronic pets or real pets?
- Which areas in the world do you want to visit in the future, Europe or Asia?
- Which do you prefer, playing sports or watching sports games?
What do you think about that?:あなたの意見を問うシリーズ(10選)
- If you had one million yen, what would you like to do?
- If you had one month vacation, which country would you like to go to? Why?
- Some companies use English as their official language. What do you think about that?
- Some people use robots to do housework. What do you think about that?
- Some people are willing to buy environmentally friendly products. What do you think about that?
- Today many people take supplements for their health. What do you think about that?
- Many children like to play video games and spend many hours playing them. What do you think about that?
- It is often said that people today waste too much food. What do you think about that?
- Some companies allow people to work from home instead of coming to the office. What do you think about that?
- It is often said that parents today are too protective of their children. What do you think about that?