Fukui Tourist Spots

Half-day trip to Eiheiji Zen monastery with a Local Tour Guide


Tour Summary 

Enjoy one of the two head temples of Soto Zen Buddhism in Japan in a half-day walking tour.

To know this amazing Zen temple, leaning about the lives of the monks is quite important.


This tour starts from JR Fukui station, and a guide will welcome you there.

Let's visit Eiheiji temple by bus together, and the guide will answer to your questions at any time. 

Visiting the temple alone is one way to feel the atmosphere, but if you get there with a professional guide, you will know more about Zen world.


Eiheiji was founded by Zen master Dogen in 1244, and it has been the holy place where monk trainees stay and doing strict practices every day.

Take a look around the temple slowly, take photos of scenery, and enjoy the atmosphere of serene monastery.


Guide's Profile is here.


Tour Details


Tour Duration

This is a half-day(4-hour) model tour from JR Fukui station to Eiheiji temple with a professional local tour guide.



8:15 Meet at JR Fukui Station

8:45 Take a bus to Eiheiji Zen Temple

9:15 Arrive at Eiheiji bus stop

9:30 - 11:00 Eiheiji walking tour

11:00 - 12:15 Lunch and shopping

12:35 Take a bus to JR Fukui Station 

13:15 Arrive at JR Fukui Station


Tour Price and maximum number of travelers

Tour Price : 15,000 Japanese yen

This includes guiding services and transportation fee of the guide.


Maximum number of travelers is 5.

However, this number can be flexible depending on the situation.


Extra Cash Needed

Public Transportation Fee: 1440 yen per person

Admission Fee of Eiheiji: 500 yen per person


*Food, drinks, souvenirs and personal expenses are not included.



PayPal system is available.

Payment and cancellation policy are here.



If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me from here.



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北陸は福井の全国通訳案内士&英語講師。 大学時代に1年間の語学留学を経験。 その後、働きながら独学で英検1級と全国通訳案内士試験合格。 英語学習者の1人として、英検や通訳ガイド試験対策、英語の学習方法やモチベーションの維持に関することも発信中! 2000年から英語講師 → 2009年から全国通訳案内士 → 2021年から英語教室運営スタート

-Fukui, Tourist Spots